Redditch (Worcestershire) spans the postcode districts of B96, B97 and B98. There are currently 1,974 business data records available within Redditch, which may be sourced as a data list for marketing purposes. Each business record comes complete with full contact details and a senior contact name to address your prospect mailing letters (or […]
There are 1,321 prospect business data records within Bromsgrove, West Midlands. Bromsgrove spans the B60 and B61 postcode districts. A data list may be used for prospect mailings or telephone marketing. The volume available within this data list will var, depending on new start-up companies entering the database and existing businesses moving away of liquidating. If […]
From the most recent business data counts, there are 809 marketing records available within Droitwich Spa. Droitwich is taken as the WR9 postcode district. This prospect data may be sourced as a data list for mailshots or telephone marketing. Data volumes fluctuate according to new businesses appearing in the file, or lquidated […]
One of the biggest complaints in sourcing data lists for marketing is where the list contains chains. The main reason behind this is the sales process involved. Specifically that most chain business sites don’t have the decision making ability to buy the product or service being marketed. This does depend very […]
Responsiva Data now offers a database evaluation service, which has particular relevance for insolvency practitioners when assessing the overall value of a company entering liquidation. Or indeed for any business requiring a valuation where a database is included within the company asset list. Almost all businesses have a database, and most have […]
In sourcing a B2B data list it is vital to pinpoint your target market. This may be achieved by profiling current and past customers; in matching them to the business universe, the industry types, company sizes and other profile fields can be analysed and a prospect data specification be derived. Many businesses […]
Sourcing a marketing data list should not be purely price-focused because not all data lists are the same. To verify the 2million-strong universe of UK businesses takes time and resource. So if you source a cheap data list then there is a good chance that the data list itself may have been “cheaply […]
ALL businesses should have a marketing database! There are marketing data initiatives for all business types, ranging from the corner shop-keeper and car sales showroom (selling to consumers) to the business management consultant and accountant. The first stage of getting the right prospect data list is to identify WHO buys your products […]
The business data universe contains approximately 2 million live business sites. If you also include such ‘businesses’ as scout huts, church halls and other irregular types of company then the total figure increases. Shelf companies (which are registered with Companies House but left inactive) increase the volume of available businesses massively […]