Business Data

The business data universe contains approximately 2 million live business sites. If you also include such ‘businesses’ as scout huts, church halls and other irregular types of company then the total figure increases.

Shelf companies (which are registered with Companies House but left inactive) increase the volume of available businesses massively if included within the business universe. However, it is highly recommended that these are excluded from any data list selection.

Included within the business data universe is site-based information. Specifically, company branches. Some products and services are hgighly suitable for promotion to branches, such as recruitment services or commercial cleaning. However, other services (such as computer software systems) are best directed at the head offices only.

The way Responsiva fine-tune such a data list selection to exclude branches is via the job title of the most senior contact name at site. For example branch managers are indicative of a branch, as are licensees (for pubs) instead of landlords.

For a full breakdown of senior contact name job titles, Responsiva’s data lists offer some high-level data counts at this link:

For any enquiries, Responsiva’s data list service can be contacted on  0800 118 5000  or