New Business Data Vertical Markets

Over recent months Responsiva have developed a new suite of business data groups, or vertical markets. When seeking out a new prospect list, one of the most daunting tasks is sifting through the industry classifications to identify the good from the bad. With more than 2,000 classifications to choose from, this […]

The Cobbler’s Shoes And b2b data

You may have heard the story of the cobbler, whose kids were clothed in worn-out shoes? The point being to ask whether you would buy shoes from such a trader? Or would you go to the dentist who has manky teeth? I am often approached by mailing houses, offering to print, pack […]

Are Marketing Lists Stronger In The Summer?

I have often considered marketing as a combination of; What you say Who you say it to When you say it The “what you say” element is quite literally the telemarketing script or postal mailing /email broadcast text content. And the “who you say it to” is a direct link to […]

Has your Business Reached Market Saturation?

The best place to start is to understand what market saturation means. It is effectively when the market for your product or service already owns (or has been introduced to) this product or service. And so possible future sales would only be generated from obsolescence, replacement or population growth. Some examples; […]

Business Data Quality

One of the most frequently asked questions at Responsiva is how recently our data has been updated. As a data list broker, strictly speaking it isn’t “our” data; Responsiva supplies prospect data from a business data universe which has been amalgamated from numerous well-respected b2b data sources. A list of these data […]

White Collar Business Data List

The most common approach for companies who seek a business data list of white collar workers is to review the industry classifications. With around five hundred SIC codes, and two thousand lower level business data descriptions, these will show the vertical market that each company operates within. But does this method truly identify the white collar […]

Business Data Samples

There are three reasons to get business data samples when sourcing a prospect list; (1) Data Qualification (2) Quality Testing (3) Review the b2b data Fields   DATA QUALIFICIATION The first, Data Qualification, is your opportunity to manually check each sample record to ensure it meets with your business data brief. Some examples […]

Using the business data Premise Codes

The premises type within the business data universe has genuine value to some business types. Most especially those targeting a specific kind of building rather than by industry classification. Three good examples follow;   1. Industrial Waste Disposal / Collection By selecting a prospect list by specific industry classifications will yield anomalies. For example, […]

Direct Marketing In June

Measuring the last ten years at Responsiva (and experience from the fifteen years in employment before that), June is one of the busiest three months of the year for direct marketing. The other two being January & September. The main reason being that any mailing or telemarketing list campaign will reach […]