Taxi companies will appear on most business data lists, yet they are probably the most unwanted of all industry classifications. So why are they such an issue, and what can be done about it? There are four key reasons that taxi companies become an issue when specifying business data for marketing; 1. Vertical Market […]
From past experience, the busiest two times for postal mailing activity are January and September. These months tie in nicely to reach the highest volume of recipients, with holiday absences being less prevalent. They are generally well aligned with marketing budgets; starting the year off with a flurry of activity. With a Summer sales […]
New customers at Responsiva are invited to register their feedback on our list broker service, around two weeks from receipt of their prospect data list. This survey comprises five key questions and a free-text field for open comments. Approximately 200 customers have taken part. The first three questions are ranked 1 to […]
The four main paths for direct marketing use telemarketing data, postal mailing data or email and fax broadcasting data. And each initiative has a differing success rate and associated cost. Perhaps the most misleading cost of all is the perception that once a database of email addresses has been purchased, all subsequent marketing to […]